Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hello one and all. This is a blog I've made for my Health 100 class at Palomar College. Here I will be posting a lot of thoughts and feelings on the topic of Health, mostly I imagine, as part of assignments given out in class. However I may rock the boat a little and throw in a few stray thoughts and topics of my own, y'know...just in case I get board. It'll be a part of looking after my mental health. Anyhow, I'm told to write you folks a biography for this so I guess I should slip a little info about myself.

Well, I was born in Eire, Pennsylvania on February 22nd of 1991 at approximately 2am in the morning and have been an utter pain in my parents backsides ever since then. You see, growing up, while all the other kids were rebelling against there parents like my mother and fathers generation had done for their parents, I just sat their and enjoyed the loving nature of my family. I went right out and did the laundry when it was asked and didn't take criticism as if I were a five year old child...even when I was a five year old child. Actually, that last bit isn't entirely grandmother always did the laundry. Anyway, I digress. So, stuff happened and I grew up a bit and my family moved out west to sunny sunburn central. I mean California. Don't mind the sarcasm if your native, I actually really love it here. I just hate the beach and the sunburns that come with it. Does that make me a freak? I don't think so. After all, I make up for that silliness by having impossible dreams to one day be a worlds famous actor...though perhaps that trope is more commonly known for people who move to California than Californians themselves. Regardless, it's a thing that I think about sometimes and really at this point I'm more California grown than anything else.

School was something I've struggled with ever since I moved out here. I dunno what it is, I guess I changed on the way here or there's something that just doesn't mesh right with me...or I was so devastated by my first non-A report card that I just lost my way...because that can happen to an eight year old, I promise. Totally not over-exaggerating for the sake of all. Anyway, I've made it to college and have been kinda creeping my education along since then. This year I'm finally getting my A.A out of the way (I told you I was creeping along with my education) starting with this semester. So, hopefully I'll pass with flying colors...or flying enough to impress future job-holders. See you all in class. Unless you're not in the class and are just internet stalking which case, those pictures are fake and I don't know who that woman is. Whoever took them is not a friend of mine. AT ALL. I know who you are and so do you...because you happen to be you. So hah! As for the rest of you, as I say, see you in class. Toodles.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you do add in your own posts!! I look forward to reading them.
